Registered Scottish Charity No.SC044943
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Barrhead Youth Football Club Tournament/Festival 2015
UPDATE 23/07/2015
The BYFC are grateful for the continued support from ARNOLD CLARK dealership for the upcoming 2015 tournament festival.
There is now over 160 teams participating throughout the weekend, anyone interested in taking part should email archie.douglas@ntlworld.com for an application form or any further information.

Barrhead Youth Football Club Tournament/Festival 2015
The time of year has come again for you to apply for this years 'annual football tournament' to be held at the Cowan Park football fields. This is the club's 5th annual football festival and looking forward to hosting another fantastic event on the 7th, 8th and 9th August 2015.
The main event will be held on Saturday the 8th & Sunday the 9th of August 2015, with some preliminary rounds for the younger 11-a-side teams on the afternoon /evening of Friday the 7th
Barrhead Youth Football Club http://www.clubwebsite.co.uk/barrheadyouthfootballclub/
(Formally Barrhead Boys Club) are happy to again provide fantasic International Football Festival / Tournament for clubs from Scotland, England, Ireland (North or South), Wales, Europe, and any other interested Countries.
The club is grateful that it has the full support and assistance and commitment from East Renfrewshire Council www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/ where the games will be held in Barrhead at the Sportsl Hub at Barrhead's Cowan Park, on Friday 7th, Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of August 2015, a weekend of the "fun filledfull Football Festival, for which we extend a warm welcome to football teams in the age groups under 6’s (Year 2008) through to under 17’s (Year 1995) "plus" under 19's, and Now added this year to our ever improving tournament Girls Soccer 7's (with teams of mixed age groups from 2005's to 2003's)
Anyone interested in taking part should email archie.douglas@ntlworld.com for an application form

Come and learn new skills, tricks and have fun throughout the summer.
Try trampoline and DMT (double mini trampoline) in a safe and fun environment.
Email us for further information or contact us on our facebook page
email: alba-tc@hotmail.com

TENNIS SESSIONS - Cowan Park, Every Saturday
Come and learn to play tennis at the Cowan Park Tennis Courts every Saturday at 1:30pm - 3:30pm.
Parents are encouraged to stay at the tennis courts and learn how they can play tennis with their children and perhaps have a bit of a 'knockabout' themselves. The coaching team and assistants will be there to help you.
** Registration is required to attend these 'Free Tennis Coached Sessions **
Click on the button to take you to the registration page